The Vaccine Has Arrived in West Virginia
Southern Pharmacy Was There to Meet It.
Southern Pharmacy Was There to Meet It.
With the opening of their new building high in the beautiful North Carolina mountains, the staff at Century Care Management’s Murphy Rehabilitation & Nursing faced an enormous task.
Lately, Southern Pharmacy has been using lemonade stands as a way to reintroduce pharmacy staff to facilities that have had to redesign their protocols for visitors due to the pandemic.
Several Southern Pharmacy employees have agreed to help by volunteering to become pen pals with residents seeking a bit of diversion.
The North Carolina Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) organization held their 2020 conference virtually and Southern Pharmacy, as a leading sponsor, was involved in many ways.
The following is an excerpt from an Argentum article featuring an interview with Bob Weir, VP of operations & regulatory support at Guardian Pharmacy Services…
To help relieve the loneliness and boredom that the pandemic’s quarantine restrictions have brought to the residents in our customer facilities, several of our employees have stepped-up to help.
It has been a difficult six weeks for everyone.
Much has been said about the efforts of our first responders – those on the frontlines serving in hospitals, food banks, fire and police departments across the country during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Arriving to work on the last weekday in what could only be described as a “trying” week, employees at Southern Pharmacy’s Pink Hill location were greeted with some words of encouragement.