Southern’s Joel Noped Featured in Mcknight’s Article
Southern’s Joel Noped, PharmD is quoted in a current McKnight article entitled “E-prescribing Grows Up.”
Southern’s Joel Noped, PharmD is quoted in a current McKnight article entitled “E-prescribing Grows Up.”
Guardian takes time to raise awareness for America’s number one killer.
Each of the three locations of Southern Pharmacy held its annual Christmas party in mid-December and each party had special treats for Southern’s employee guests.
Southern is proud to contribute to the missions of both the NCALA and NCLTCF.
Employees at our Pink Hill and Kernersville locations participated in the local “Walk to End Alzheimer’s”.
Southern Pharmacy’s three locations are once again preparing for our annual Open House events.
Many of Southern’s customer facilities have created a separate unit to work with residents on a short-term rehabilitation basis after an illness or accident.
Southern Pharmacy helped handle the movement and reuniting of the meds with the residents.
SPS has resurrected the monthly corporate newsletter.
Our staff is receiving specialized training to help you with Antimicrobial Stewardship.